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tourist resorts: ciudad de la habana  



Capital of the Republic of Cuba, modern and cosmopolitan Havana is living the excitement of new times. Enterprising and young , the city is gaining its place among the main capitals as a center of cultural, economic and social life in the country. No question, it is a city of the world.

Traditions, legends and history combined to make Havana the cradle of magnificent buildings, squares and churches which date back to colonial times. Havana´s Historic Centre gathers most of these buildings and churches; it was declared Humankind Heritage by UNESCO some years ago. The streets covered by paved stones, are longing for carriages passing-by and town criers; from vegetation- embroidered balconies, mestizo happy faces stared with the same lively look of the past.

With sun set, Havana changes. Discos and nightfloors open up the winds of fantasy in an undecipherable scenery and turn Havana into a unique, special place which the rhythm of the Caribbean music everywhere gives a special touch to.

Havana is the most exciting adventure anyone can live through in the Caribbean: its colonial charm and modern comfort and the beauty of the sea welcome the traveller and wrap him up with its sweetness and hospitality.




Founded in November 16, 1519, its original name was San Cristóbal de La Habana and it changed places on three occasions before settling down on the present site.

In colonial times, it was regarded as the "key to the Gulf and back mural of the Indies". Because of its geographic position in the Caribbean Sea, it became the most important city of the kingdom of Spain to this part of the world.

Harassing by corsairs and pirates was the main reason to set up a fortified protection system in the city. Castillo de los Tres Reyes del Morro, Castillo de la Real Fuerza and Castillo de San Salvador de La Punta are among the oldest in America.

Havana is one of the most cosmopolitan cities in the Caribbean, cultural center and host for international events. Every year, politicians, artists, scientists and creative people from all over the world make it their meeting point. Havana is easily accessible both by air and sea from everywhere in the world.

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